
Hello Hostel is a Youth Hostel. Guests over 40 years old will have to book a whole private room (you have to book the 2 beds, even if you are alone). Nevertheless, if you are 4 guest over 40 years old, we can accommodate you in a 4 bedded dorm.
Pets are not allowed in our Hostel.
The rooms are ready for use from 1 pm. Luggage may be stored free of charge in the luggage room.
Bar is open from 19h. We serve belgian beers, softs, cocktails, snacks. Fresh free tapwater available.
Bed sheets
Bed sheets are included. But towels are for rent (1 euro/towel) Breakfast
A basic breakfast is included . It serves coffee and tea, juice, bread and bread rolls, muesli, jam and marmalade, cornflakes and toasts. It is available from 6.30 to 10.00 am.
Cancellation / guarantee
If you have to cancel a night, please do it 48hours before the arrival date. Otherwise we will have to charge the first night. In the event of a no-show, you will be charged the full price of the first night. Cancellations can be sent by email at reception@hello-hostel.eu. The deposit is not refundable.
Children and their parents are welcome at Hello Hostel, under de condition they book a room for themselves. That is to say, children will not be allowed in rooms with other guests. We do not have cradle or children beds
Check-out on the departure day is at 10 am. Luggage may be stored free of charge in the luggage room.
A group consisting of at least twelve people have to send an email to groups@hello-hostel.eu to book or to ask for information Guest kitchen
There is a kitchen with a fridge, a microwave, sinks, a dishwasher, cooking utensils, saucepans and even some basic condiments.
Internet / wifi
Free wifi is available in the common areas.
Luggage may be stored free of charge in the luggage room.
There is no parking inside the Hostel. But there are parking spots in front and all around the hostel. Nearby you can also find an underground parking, but that one it’s not free. Payment
Hello Hostel accepts payment in cash, via bank transfer, VISA and Mastercard. Your credit card number is used to guarantee your reservation. It will not be debited before your arrival. The payment will be made at the arrival.
Reservation by phone or by mail
You can call or mail us for extra information, but we don’t take bookings by phone or mail. To book, you can click the link ‘Book Now’ You will receive a booking confirmation with your reservation number.
Smoking by phone or by mail
Smoking is not allowed inside HELLO HOSTEL establishments. Designated smoking areas are located in front of the building and in the hostel’s patio.
Towels by phone or by mail
Towels are for rent at 1euro/towel.
Internet / wifi
Free wifi is available in the common areas.